It's hard to believe today was the last day of an incredible Reunion! Next year, it will be wonderful to have YOU here! There is so much great information, networking with other consultants and sharing ideas and support - AND being there for the excitement of the great announcements!
ALSO...the LOCATION for NEXT year's REUNION 2009 was announced. Keep reading! :)
I started the morning with a GREAT workshop by Karen Phelps who has 22 years of success in the direct sales industry and she is now a trainer...AND she is now a Heritage Makers consultant. She loves it and has already done a book!
Her workshop was about getting bookings and it was WONDERFUL!
I am going to offer an email (perhaps a webinar) to review her information and what was shared and I will get that information out next week, so you can join me in putting it into ACTION!
However, in the meantime, she did highly recommend reading "The Art of Influence", by Chris Weidner. She just finished it and said it was fabulous and something we all should read. So, that is a "to do" until her "bookings" information is sent out in my email next week. :)
Many of you have asked about how Heritage Makers is doing in today's economy - and how we can keep our businesses growing in a "soft" economy.
Well, Chris Lee addressed this directly in today's meetings and the current situation and outlook is GREAT!
* The number of Heritage Makers consultants with sales grows EVERY MONTH!
* There are 250,000 unfinished projects in Studio - Published projects bring REORDERS and MORE NEW ORDERS! Exciting!
* Our economic problems have mostly to do with the problems with financial institutions - very little production is done in America.
With that in mind...
Heritage Makers can succeed because (and you can promote this with your contacts and clients!):
* Products are 100% made in America
* Purchases put money back into American economy
* Provides employment of hundreds of workers in America
* Provides opportunities for THOUSANDS (consultants) of American business owners
Doug Cloward, President
Why Heritage Makers now?
* Timely - economic and interests - people turning to family, things that matter - invest in that
* Unique - we are different
* Convenient - no inventory, "YOU" are the product - product of the product
* Compelling
The Heritage Makers Business Plan
* Home-based business
* Pay for Performance System
- You set your own income goals
- No "glass ceiling"
- Long-term and short-term income opportunities
Keys to Success:
* Inspire - Your Story, Your Passion
* Instruct - The Heritage Makers Workshop message
* Motivate
Karen Phelps, direct sales industry expert
"Mikhail Gorbachev said the following about direct selling:
'Direct selling is the purist form of economic liberty.'
'You have to overcome inertia and inertia is in our minds.'
'Direct selling is important for the development of the global economy.'
"Heritage Makers is HISTORY IN THE MAKING!"
"Do you realize the power you have to change lives with your products? You change lives one Storybook at a time."
"We make it harder than it is. All it is is people helping people."
"What do you do when you see a good movie? You tell people about it!"
"Think of Heritage Makers as a good movie that you want to tell everyone about! Why is that different? Now, you can tell people what you are excited about - and you can get PAID for it because they will/can become your next client, host or consultant!"
How to Sponsor New Heritage Makers Consultants
1. Share YOUR Story - In 2 minutes or less. Practice it. It should be brief but compelling.
* You have to BELIEVE that you have an absolutely fantastic opportunity. Then, people will follow you anywhere!
2. Talk to your Workshop hostess THREE TIMES about becoming an HM consultant - Why three? Our first reaction is "no" and then we ask for information.
First Time: When you are Hostess Coaching - your Hostess packet should ALWAYS contain an HM Business Opportunity brochure.
Karen also did "sample scripts" (which I LOVED!). Here is one for this topic of how to possibly approach your hostess about the business, during hostess coaching:
"By the way, have you ever thought about doing something like this? Take this (Business Opportunity brochure) home and read it tonight. I am going to give you a call tomorrow to answer any questions you have. I can call you at 10 or at 5 - which time works best for you?" (ALWAYS SET UP THE TIME TO CALL WITHIN 48 HOURS OF WHEN YOU GIVE THEM THE BROCHURE, MATERIAL, ETC.)
Second Time: 3-4 days before Workshop, talk with your host and say:
"By the way, have you thought more about doing something like this?"
If they say, "yes." Ask if you can come to their Workshop early to get them signed up and then the sales from their Workshop will be the first sales to start their new business!
If they are not ready to say, "yes"...then you can say:
"Should you decide to be a Heritage Makers consultant. Is there anyone who you would need to discuss this with before you sign up?"
Usually, this is a spouse. Ask for the spouse to be there when you meet early before the Workshop. This defuses the "I have to ask my husband" excuse and gets the new consultant and loved one on the same page regarding her new business.
If Hostess signs up before Workshop:
Great! Get bookings and sales/commissions for new consultant - VERY motivating and helps YOU too!
If they host hasn't joined yet....
Third Time: When placing orders.
"You watched what I did and saw how easy it is. You could make $150 tonight - in addition to your host rewards! Could you use $150 a couple of times a week?"
WAIT for an answer - everyone could use or would like that additional income
"REMEMBER...You are training someone at every single Workshop you do - you just don't know who that person is yet!"
"Don't overdo your presentation. Keep it simple."
"If someone says, 'I could never do what you do.' You should reply with, 'What part couldn't you do...the fun? The freedom and flexibility of my time? The great trips?"
IMPORTANT...Hand select from each Workshop, someone that you want to work with - they show interest, the "get the vision", they ask a lot of questions, etc.
You could select 1-3 people - maximum of 3.
When you find someone:
* When you are taking their order and writing it down, LOWER your voice and SAY...
"You are so fun. You are the life of the party! (or something that compliments them), then, "You would be so good at this! Have you ever thought of doing something like this? Put this in your purse (give them the "Just for You" letter - CLICK HERE, then click on "Just for YOU" letter link). Then say, "Read this and I am going to call you tomorrow at 10 or 5 - which time works best for you?" Set up time and CALL.
Give them the LETTER ONLY! Do not even include your contact information. You are going to follow up with phone call to give them information but now you have them thinking about it.
Demo and Business Kits are now combined into NEW "Consultant Business Kit"
This will contain:
* Display Kit - bookstands, flier stands, sample books
* Workshop Presentation Kit - DVD, Guide, Cue Cards
* Support Materials
* 1 Pack of Supplies - Worksheets, Workshop tools, etc.
* Publishing Credit
* Virtual Office
* 1 Month Premier (renewing)
* Consultant Website
ONLY $249.95
Sponsor bonus: $50 with sign up
Upline Director bonus: $15 with sign up
There will be a COMPLIMENTARY supplement shipped to any new consultants who signed up with Demo Kits in September 2008.
ALSO available...
Starter E-Kit
* Virtual Office
* HM Consultant website
* Online Manual
* 1 month Premier (renewing)
* Sample book
* Sample supplies
"A STORY under every tree...and HERITAGE in every home."
* Starts October 1, 2008!
* Consultants will be able to earn virtual ornaments to go on their virtual Christmas tree.
- Star Ornament - Receive for every 10 people who place an order with you - they become a heritage maker.
- Ball Ornament - Receive for every new consultant you sponsor and for reaching monthly sales goal.
* "Stories from Santa" - Some proceeds from all sales will go to funding to help families who cannot afford to preserve their photos and heritage in HM books, will be able to do so.
* Fliers will be in Virtual Office
TAC (Top Achievers Club)
Points are earned to go on exotic vacations with a loved one that you can earn for FREE or at huge discounts! Points are earned by doing the HM business that you already do!
This year's TAC trip is a CRUISE to the western Carribbean. The points were tallied in August 2008.
NOW IS THE TIME to start earning points for the TAC TRIP for 2010 and the destination will be...
More details will be in your Virtual Office but PLEASE NOTE that you need to REGISTER for On Track for TAC, if you are interested in going on the TAC trip, by (Early Bird!) OCTOBER 15!
(You earn 100 TAC Points just for registering!) More details will be in your VO, so keep checking! (This vacation is ALL-INCLUSIVE - food, drinks, lodging and even excursions are all included!!!)
The Heritage Makers REUNION 2009 will be in LAS VEGAS!!!!!!!
I challenge and encourage you now to PLAN TO ATTEND! You do not want to miss out! Dates and specific location will be announced.
WENDY McGEE closed with this INSPIRING words...
"As a Heritage Makers consultant...I OWN my LIFE. I am writing my OWN story!"
Be sure to register for the Heritage Makers Reunion Review webinar (click on the time in the upper right corner of this blog to register.)
Please let me know if you have any questions.
It was a WONDERFUL Reunion and in a very fitting place...Disneyland...where wishes are made and dreams come TRUE!
DREAM BIG!!!!!!!!!!!
All my very best and big cheers for our next step FORWARD!
- Chris
Thanks Chris for putting so much effort in order to keep those of us that couldn't make it to Reunion informed. It sounds like it was a wonderful, informative and social time. I really hope to be able to go next year. Thanks too for all the exciting updates in product prices!
Anna Houston, Armstrong, BC Can
You are so welcome, Anna! I can't wait to see YOU there (in Las Vegas) next year! Go Heritage Makers!!! :)
- Chris
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